Rexus is another minimal and fresh magazine theme with a modern, elegant design and fully responsive from Theme Junkie. Rexus perfect for online magazines websites, news websites, personal blogs or community blogs.
Some of Rexus cool features!
Through Dashboard
Installing Via FTP
and place the theme folder inside it.When the first time you activated the theme, you will see the notice about recommended plugins for it like the picture above. If you feel the plugins is not needed, then you can click the Dismiss this notice to hide the notice.
If someday you need to install those plugins, you can go to Appearance » Install Plugins. Choose which plugin you want to install. Please note, the plugins is Recommended not required.
topRexus has feature to change the default background using the native WordPress custom background function. To use it, please follow the steps below:
Rexus comes with 9 cool custom widgets to give you more flexibility to customize your site.
Sometimes some people don't want their site in responsive mode. With Rexus you have ability to disable it, follow the below steps.
Rexus comes with 10+ Color Schemes and Background Patterns to give you more flexibility to customize your website. You can set it through following steps.
Featured Posts is a colorful posts on home page. If you want to show it, please make sure you select the tag which have at least 7 posts.
Latest videos is the most latest posts with video format selected. You can set it through following steps.
Since Rexus is a parent theme, you'll want to create a child theme if you plan on making any customizations. Don't know how to make a child theme? It's relatively simple. Just follow the below steps.
directory called Rexus-child
file within your theme
file, add the below information./**
* Theme Name: Rexus Child
* Theme URI:
* Description: Describe what your theme should be like.
* Version: 0.1
* Author: Your Name
* Author URI:
* Tags: Add, Whatever, Tags, You, Want
* Template: rexus
/* Importing the parent theme stylesheet. */
@import url( '../rexus/style.css' );
From that point, you simply need to start adding your own styles. The parent theme styles will automatically be loaded for you.
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